Hi beautiful art lovers of the interweb!
I'm coming to you from one of my last nights in Stevens Point, WI. If you haven't heard yet I'm gettin the heck outta dodge on a bicycle with my amazing partner in crime Megan! That's right we're hitting the country roads of USA on August 13th and will be spending many weeks (2.5 months) in our saddles. Don't worry we know we're crazy! (SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT: more info on the bike trip here aka another blog hah - http://hamdbiking.blogspot.com/ )
If you're an active follower of what I'm doing with my creativity don't you fear that I'll be quitting painting for the time on my bike. I already have most of my 'en plein air' rig ready to go! Hard to believe we're leaving in 10 DAYS!!!!
I'm temporarily changing the name of my blog (which I'm terribly embarassed is rarely used btw) please don't hate or unfollow me!! The old name "Studio Sessions" wouldn't make much sense seeing as how my "studio" will change everyday! AWESOME!!!! So yeah I'm changing that title because I can and no one can stop me, mwuahahahahahah...
Ok back to the serious super important schtuff. I'm in the middle of my YOO HOO BIG SUMMER BLOWOUT SALE right now, hello 50% off most of my art can ya believe it!?!
If you haven't looked at the inventory please stop letting your time go by artless. I want you to look at your walls and think wow that guy sure was quirky at times but hey I like this picture he made! Part of me is starting to think you want that too. We both know that moment of clarity will never happen if you don't go check out my sale right now before its too late!! (BTW) My sale closes on Saturday @ MIDNIGHT! So don't miss it doode!
But check it out!! People are buying paintings and its awesome I feel so lucky!!!! :) Thank you to those gracious souls who want to support emerging artists!
(Photos courtesy of the partner in crime)
So if you feel so inclined to check out the sale or you're dying to have me ship you a box o art then I'll make it eezy peezy and stick the link right down here ya go:
My parting words will regard a request from you, my dear reader, whomever you are. You see, how this works for me is that I sit at 1:17 AM, usually, typing away these random blog posts hoping they'll be noticed and create thought provoking moments in time forever rippling into the future where young minds will be transended into the wonders of art and....afadfl.......